Roundtable Staff Objectives

Roundtables are a form of commissioner service and supplemental training for volunteers at all levels. The objective of roundtables is to give leaders program ideas; information on policy, events, and training opportunities; and an opportunity to share experiences and enjoy fun and fellowship with other Scouting leaders. The roundtable commissioner and staff demonstrate elements of a model meeting that leaders may use as a pattern for their own meetings. The roundtable experience will inspire, motivate, and enable unit leaders to provide a stronger program for their Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos and Boy Scouts.

Meeting Times:

Monthly from September to May

The First Thursday night of the month

7 PM - 8 PM

Saint Luke’s United Methodist Church, Danville VA

If you are a Scouting Unit in the Dan River/Halifax Area and would like to add an event to the calendar, please send details to me in an email. You can email me by clicking HERE

Dan River District Calendar (There is more stuff below calendar)

Click event for more details

Click Here for Larger Calendar Page

Commissioners Corner Pages

Summit Shakedown 2012

Saturday, October 9, 2010

NEW Winter Camp- Camp Taquatschin

 NEW Winter Camp- Camp Taquatschin

No doubt you have experienced the Blue Ridge Mountain Council's superb summer camp opportunities and you likely have reveled in the many fall and spring programs, but have you ever been on the Reservation in the dead of winter? Prepare yourself for a brand new long-term camp called Taquatschin or "Cold One" in the Lenni Lanape tongue.  This is not your traditional merit badge camp. Taquatschin is designed to meet the needs of older scouts who are working toward their Eagle Rank.  As such, expect badges and programs not offered during summer camp; plan on expert instruction from the Reservation's most senior staff; and get ready for exciting evening activities that take advantage of the Aquatic Base's unique facilities.  

So, if you are looking for a unique way to welcome in the New Year, why not consider hanging with the staff of Taquatschin?

For registration and information click HERE.

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